compromises, Blood on the Clocktower - Good wins

, Blood on the Clocktower

I suppose I am scared. Scared of making any mistake. Scared of doing anything that can help me in any way until I get what I want. I’m scared of trying. I’m scared of conversing. I’m scared by everyone seeing right through me. I’m scared of people. And I’m scared of me.

You are being:
Impelled by @Atlas
Made ‘mad’ by @Zugzwang


Town Composition

There will be a maximum of twelve regular players, and a minimum of five. Those players will be assigned to one of four character types. Players who make the choice to play in this game will either be on the Good team, which, besides exceptions, will be Townsfolk or Outsiders, while players that are Minions or the Demon are on the Evil team.

The number of players to the amount of character types in play is:

Total Players Townsfolk Outsiders Minions Demon
7 5 0 1 1
8 5 1 1 1
9 5 2 1 1
10 7 0 2 1
11 7 1 2 1
12 7 2 2 1

No two players will have the same ability at the start of the game. The ability that each player has is randomly chosen from a number of abilities a non-player decides to put in the game, elaborated on in the “Storyteller” section.

On this script, only one character may change alignment. That character is the Ogre, who is an Outsider. You may find their ability, and the choice they perform to end up in such a state in the “Identities” section.

Starting Evils start knowing each other’s chosen names and character types (whether they are a Minion or a Demon).

The abilities of certain characters modify the game setup, by adding or subtracting certain characters or character types. These are denoted in [square brackets], and only have an effect if the character is present at the beginning of the game.


Night* (with an asterisk) in all contexts means “Night, except the first.”
**- Ability must be claimed to have an effect on the game state.
*** - Ability must visit the Storyteller to take effect.

Possible Townsfolk Characters
Noble You start knowing 3 players, 1 and only 1 of which is evil.
Dreamer Each night, choose a player (not yourself or Travellers): you learn 1 good & 1 evil character, 1 of which is correct.
Balloonist Each night, you learn a player of a different character type than last night. [+0 or +1 Outsider]
High Priestess Each night, learn which player the Storyteller believes you should talk to most.
General Each night, you learn which alignment the Storyteller believes is winning: good, evil, or neither.
Town Crier Each night*, you learn if a Minion nominated today.
Oracle Each night*, you learn how many dead players are evil.
Savant Each day, you may visit the Storyteller to learn 2 things in private: 1 is true & 1 is false.***
Juggler On your 1st day, publicly guess up to 5 players’ characters. That night, you learn how many you got correct.**
Slayer Once per game, during the day, publicly choose a player: if they are the Demon, they die.**
Fisherman Once per game, during the day, visit the Storyteller for some advice to help your team win.***
Farmer When you die at night, an alive good player becomes a Farmer.
Mayor If only 3 players live & no execution occurs, your team wins. If you die at night, another player might die instead.
Possible Outsider Characters
Ogre On your 1st night, choose a player (not yourself): you become their alignment (you don’t know which) even if drunk or poisoned.
Mutant If you are “mad” about being an Outsider, you might be executed.
Klutz When you learn that you died, publicly choose 1 alive player: if they are evil, your team loses.**
Saint If you die by execution, your team loses.
Possible Minion Characters
Witch Each night, choose a player: if they nominate tomorrow, they die. If just 3 players live, you lose this ability.
Poisoner Each night, choose a player: they are poisoned tonight and tomorrow day.
Scarlet Woman If there are 5 or more players alive & the Demon dies, you become the Demon. (Travellers don’t count)
Xaan On night X, all Townsfolk are poisoned until dusk. [X Outsiders]
Boffin The Demon (even if drunk or poisoned) has a not-in-play good character’s ability. You both know which.
Possible Demon Characters
Imp Each night*, choose a player: they die. If you kill yourself this way, a Minion becomes the Imp.
Vigormortis Each night*, choose a player: they die. Minions you kill keep their ability & poison 1 Townsfolk neighbor. [-1 Outsider]
Lil’ Monsta Each night, Minions choose who babysits Lil’ Monsta & ‘is the Demon’. Each night*, a player might die. [+1 Minion]
Nominations and Voting

After twelve hours, the nomination phase will be opened. You can nominate a player by being the first person today to vote them today. Votes do not lock. Votes are cast using the standard voting system.

The person with the most votes on them (also known as Plurality voting) will be considered “about to die”. The player who is “about to die” will be executed. If there is a tie between two or more players for the highest count of votes, the day will end with no execution. The Storyteller may only declare an early end to voting if it is no longer possible to tie or exceed the highest nomination, or in deeply specific circumstances that would benefit the players to have the game end sooner rather than later.

You may also vote to no-execute. Being the first person to vote for it does not count as a nomination. If this has the highest votes, the day will end with no execution.

Phase Lengths

Each day phase will last for 48 hours.

Discussion 0-12h Players are allowed to whisper and discuss all that they wish.
Nomination and Voting 12-48h Players may nominate and vote. Players may still discuss and whisper during this time
Nomination and Voting 48h-0h Whispering and talking publicly is disabled. Players submit their night actions.

The Day-Night Cycle lasts for 72 hours, before repeating, Each night phase will last for 24 hours. The game begins during night one.
Night actions are locked 2 hours before the start of each day.

Night Action Resolution

All actions are processed in a specific order each night. This is that order.

First Night Other Nights
Dusk Dusk
Boffin Xaan
Minion Info Poisoner
Demon Info Witch
Lil’ Monsta Scarlet Woman
Xaan Imp
Poisoner Vigormortis
Witch Lil’ Monsta
Dreamer Farmer
Noble Dreamer
Balloonist Town Crier
Ogre Oracle
High Priestess Juggler
General Balloonist
Dawn High Priestess


The Storyteller is the key moderator for the game; All ability uses at night must be sent to the Storyteller via private message, and Storyteller will have the final say on any open-ended ability behaviors. The Storyteller is also the person who decides what characters can be randed from, but can not directly rand a person a character, as that is decided by chance. The Storyteller’s goal is to keep the game both fun and balanced, and they’ll often be trying to make it last as long as possible, however, the Storyteller may not alter any existing rules to accomplish this.

If your ability requires you to privately speak to the storyteller during the day, you must declare it publically by saying /whisper Storyteller. You may choose to declare this even if you do not have one of these abilities. The abilities that require this to function are the Savant and the Fisherman.


Players may whisper each other in-game through private messages (including both the host account and forum accounts @Atlas & @Zugzwang). Whispers must be publicly announced, by requesting permission to whisper using the format /whisper [Player]. Once a whisper has been declared and accepted, the two players may whisper via private message until one of them speaks publicly in the game chat, at which point the whisper is considered broken and the players must declare whispers again if they wish to whisper.

You may whisper several players at the same time, announcing all the players in the whisper individually. Doing so will result in it counting for one whisper per player besides yourself in that whisper.

The number of whispers allowed per day is equal to the number of starting players, divided by three, always rounded up if it includes a decimal. Normal players may freely whisper the Traveller without expending whispers, however, each time the Traveller whispers they will use up a whisper of their own.

Each player may, in addition, make a whisper per day to each neighbour of up to 15 words without announcing this in thread.

The Fabled

The Fabled are special modifiers that the Storyteller can put in play to tweak the game. Fabled will always be announced when they are in play, along with their effect upon the gamestate. The fabled that the Storytellers may put in play are the Hell’s Librarian to prevent night talking, the Fiddler if both the demon and the town refuse to kill, and the Djinn to indicate there are characters jinxed with each other. The Djinn is in-play.

Fiddler Once per game, at night, the Demon secretly chooses a player of an opposing alignment; All players then vote which of these two wins the game.
Hell’s Librarian Something bad might happen to whomever speaks when the Storyteller calls for silence.
Djinn Use the Djinn’s special rule. All players know what it is.
Djinn's Special Rule
Djinn’s Jinxes
Boffin + Ogre The Demon cannot have the Ogre’s ability.
Scarlet Woman + Lil’ Monsta If there are 5 or more players alive and the person holding the Lil’ Monsta token dies, the Scarlet Woman is given the Lil’ Monsta token tonight.

The Djinn’s special rule are Jinxes. It determines what happens when two specific characters interact, due to them having an unfavourable interaction otherwise.


A Traveller is a player with a specific-host or player chosen character that can enter or leave the game midway through. Their character and it’s ability are publicly known, and they can either be good or evil, decided on their entry to the game.

Travellers have specific mechanics to them that standard players do not.

  • They may be exiled by majority vote at any time, instead of executed. Both alive and dead players may freely vote and nominate for exile, not requiring the use of a dead player’s vote token. Any nomination-based abilities do not include exiles.
  • They do not count as players for any win conditions.
  • If they are evil, they learn who the Demon upon their entry to the game.
Possible Traveller Characters
Bureaucrat Each night, choose a player (not yourself): their vote counts as 3 votes tomorrow.
Thief Each night, choose a player (not yourself): their vote counts negatively tomorrow.
Waitress Each night*, choose a living player: if they agree, you learn their character, but you both might die.
Scapegoat If a player of your alignment is executed, you might be executed instead.
Deviant If you were funny today, you cannot die by exile.


When a player dies, their identity and alignment aren’t revealed, but they continue to be allowed to speak in thread. They can’t nominate and have only one “vote token”, which they may expend on a nomination to cast a vote, losing it afterwards. When player dies, unless otherwise specified, their ability stops working, which means that a player killed before they would perform their ability will not perform their ability, which is shown in Night Action Resolution. Only the Farmer and Vigormortis can alter these rules, which is elaborated on in the Identities section.


Malfunctioning is the main source of interference with abilities. A malfunctioning character is not directly told that they are malfunctioning and cannot affect the game state in any way using their ability, including killing. If a malfunctioning character would receive information, then the information they receive is arbitrary, which means the host can decide whether or not to give true information. The malfunctioning status lasts indefinitely unless stated otherwise.

Three characters on this script may cause malfunctioning. Those are the Poisoner, the Xaan, and the Vigormortis.


A player who is ‘mad’ about something is trying to convince the group that said something is true. If you are made ‘mad’, to not incur the potential penalty of not following it, you must try to reasonably appear as attempting to convince the Town that what you are made ‘mad’ about is true. On this script, this applies in the specific case of the Mutant, who is made ‘mad’ that they are not an Outsider, or they may be executed, using up the day’s execution and forcing the night to begin whilst doing so.


Good wins if all Demons are dead.
Evil wins if only 2 players (not counting Travellers) live.

The win conditions will be phrased as above in your rolecards. In the event of a tie, the Good team win.

Alternate routes to victory or defeat exist within this game. If the Saint is executed, their team loses. If the Klutz picks an Evil player, their team loses.

Taking Your Place on the Clocktower

Sign up by stating /in, seat [X] or /travel in, seat [X] and pinging this account.
If you wish to travel in, please include your Traveller character as well.

There is a maximum of 12 standard players and 1 Traveller.


  1. Jarek
  2. Magnus
  3. Hippopablompoyeetus
  4. Chomps
  5. Kiiruma
  6. Hazardwaste
  7. IcetFeelsPain
  8. Zone_Q11
  9. Leafia


  1. YoubutWorse
  2. Benguinedparbecue
  3. bystander
  4. CRichardFortressLies

@Where_Evil_Sleeps will be the host account for this game. Until it gets permissions, we’ll use Zugbot when necessary.

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Day 1 has begun! Nominations will open in 12 hours, at 2024-02-25T13:00:00Z.

Day will end at 2024-02-27T01:00:00Z.

As per this, you have Three whispers each.


“i’m just. not gonna protest against what you’ve done.” - Anonymous Prisoner

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the hosts are keeping prisoners for our game? wtf get them out that’s illegal

@Where_Evil_Sleeps /consult

Nine players. Five townsfolk. Two outsiders. One minion. One demon.

13 Townsfolk.
4 Outsiders.
5 Minions.
3 Demons.

Two liars. At most one poison by N1 unless Xaan + Vigormortis. Unlikely.
Scarlet Woman + Imp / Vigormortis = Kill both Evils.

…? We can do a quickcheck on Witch’s existence by forcing everyone to nominate.

No alignment conversion. BLESS!
(Well. Except Ogre, but I couldn’t care less about that role.)

Altogether speaking it hardly matters which abilities are in-play beyond coordinating knowledge to solve a collaborative jigsaw. For now I’m at ease, I advise you should all try feeling the same way.

One amendment, however. The Xaan arbitrarily modifies the Outsider count, overriding other alterations. We can have so few as none or so many as all regardless of the Demon typing.

Mmn… Looks good, for the most part.
I pray this time won’t end up in me waiting in the desert again.

@Hippopablompoyeetus, you better not forget your promise.

VOTE: Hippo

no votes for 12 horus i think

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noms arent open yet


That never stopped me before.
Not previously. Not now.

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post can’t bena empty

Not Voting (9): Jarek, Magnus, Hippopablompoyeetus, Chomps, Kiiruma, Hazardwaste, IcetFeelsPain, Zone_Q11, Leafia

i know where evil sleeps

None? Do we not have Night 0 in BotF?