compromises, Blood on the Clocktower - Good wins

im literally not slayer why do you keep telling me to shoot you :sob:

idk if you’re evil i just have reasons to think you aren’t ogre

I don’t know why but I thought you claimed Slayer. I’m tired lol.

you’re right

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Open for one more whisper

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did everyone die?


@Where_Evil_Sleeps Could you send the Json for the Grim

If we played this script tenfold you would claim Ogre at least half those games.


bitch would feign mutant first tbf

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Seat Order Whispers
[1] Jarek
1/3 Hippo Zone_Q11 ???
[2] Magnus
2/3 Hazard Icet ???
[3] Hippo
2/3 Hazard Jarek ???
[4] Chomps
Icet ??? ???
[5] Kiiruma
??? ??? ???
[6] Hazard
2/3 Magnus Hippo ???
[7] Icet
2/3 Magnus Chomps ???
[8] Zone_Q11
1/3 Jarek ??? ???
[9] Leafia
??? ??? ???

any public thoughts you have mag?

hazarda re you evil


what about our whisper

what about it?

what about the conflict

i thought you cancelled the conflict with the name of the whisper

tha twas a joke


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@Hazardwaste Json.

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its kinda cheating to use the title in a neighbour whisper with limited words