well i think 3 is enough too feed a tc.
i am assuming that chomps is the outsider icet said he had heard of before that wasnt kiiruma
that is a second outsider claim which then leaves us if we have a xaan on day 2 if both outsiders are truthful
oh fucking nevermind
i think i have everyones claims minus chomps atm
Is the second me or someone else?
nah it was kiiruma and i thought Chomps but chomps was just lying
Hm, well one of the more rough things is there could be a hidden drunk and that’ll be hard to detect.
Not Drunk, hidden Mutant x3
I knew there was a way outsider count was hard to confirm annoyingly
Are you hard claiming outsider?
Icet or kii i want to whisp one of u two.
The noble situation is very confusing from what i know of the 3 pings claims so idk what to do today. If it is chomps as evil, while most likely, if they are really saint it would be very cringe and i like my role and dont want to rerack so id rather not kill them.
I don’t
why not
i have something important to tell you
Omg sign me up (I might be busy when you get back)
Do we have any demon candidayes? I’m thinking of taking my shot soon.
i wanna kill hazard