compromises, Blood on the Clocktower - Good wins

You cant really fake NWM

Lol i didnt even talk to you leafia?

Did ya have reasoning leafia? Or was it just a blind shot and hope for the best

VOTE: Leafia

Votes in BOTC are not because I believe a player is evil and deserves to die, but to clear worlds until the only one left is the one where I find the demon.

Leafia is now claiming to be a used role and this could indeed be a bluff. It’s not the vote to go for, just a suggestion.

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should probably respect the TC and leave it at that

i dont think this is a witch game. i feel like its a poisoner or xaan + imp/vigor

tea landy

Current Votecount

Nominator Nominee # Voters
Zone Hippo 0
Hippo Chomps 2 Hippo, Zone
Chomps Hazardwaste 1 Chomps
Jarek Leafia 1 Jarek
Not Voting 5 Magnus, Kiiruma, Hazardwaste, IcetFeelsPain, Leafia

Chomps (2): Hippopablompoyeetus, Zone_Q11
Hazardwaste (1): Chomps
Leafia (1): Jarek

Not Voting (5): Magnus, Kiiruma, Hazardwaste, IcetFeelsPain, Leafia

VOTE: Chomps.
I haven’t spoken to Chomps so I can’t meet the same threshold as Leafia to determine whether it’s a trustworthy claim or not, Jarek can totally be evil but I’m guessing the HP ping was supposed to gauge alignment and the conclusion didn’t seem to scream “suspicious” or else Jarek would’ve been nominated already — and Chomps’ claim hasn’t been followed up on yet despite being open so this seems ≈accurate.

Aside from that, Leafia typically wouldn’t claim Slayer promptly except as potentially the Demon, she’s not the sort to lie as Town so there wouldn’t be much room to backslide, so in that case I think Icet’s the Demon because he whispered Chomps earlier and nothing seems to have come from that…


I want to nominate Icet, I think.

That’s just an intuitive suggestion theoretically speaking both Hippo and Kiiruma have nothing great looking for them because they’re triple claiming my role, which is Ogre, but eh.

@Where_Evil_Sleeps I claim Wizard and wish to gain the Saint and Heretic abilities.

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Bruh. That is all I can say to that

Based off this with Chomps outing evil…
Zone and Jarek are good.

Wish granted. The cost is that everyone gains both abilities, including yourself. The stacked Heretic ability cancels itself out.


This is hardly an outing evil claim, just Chomps having fun. Wizard isn’t on the script, this is precisely equivalent to claiming Goblin right now. It’s just fun.

I just got here like as Chomps claimed that and panicked. Oopsie x3

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Also Chomps already wished at the start of day so we know it’s a wish for infinite wishes yes.

Everyone should juggle for memes

I will juggle hazard as oracle, icet as dreamer, leafia as mayor, chomps as saint, zone as priestess @Where_Evil_Sleeps pls