idk where ya getting this from
It being late and me not sleeping
VOTE: jarek VOTE: leafia VOTE: hippo
VOTE: Jarek.
By the way, independent of the game’s progression, I’m a major fan of Atlas’ expressed methodology for operate HP and this is the mechanism how I’d like to run it in the future.
oh i dont read hold on
You’re all good!
also can we stop stuffing the TC now
i am too sick to be the deciding vote fuck you both
Not sure what I did to get voted, but w/e
VOTE: Jarek
These be the gaming hours, screw it.
woah i dont like this jarek vote
All three of the Noble pings nominated which most likely contains a Minion unless I lied about it (hence why I didn’t nominate) or if the pings contain the Demon and/or Lil’ Monsta meaning there’s a Minion there. It’s not great but I see where you’re coming from.
Tonight might also be a Xaan night, just keep on the lookout for all that.
that got built way too easily off one line
today could have been Xaan too. i couldnt track outsiders today