compromises, Blood on the Clocktower - Good wins


hey i am here now.

mudkip :frog:

/whisper chomps


So the Xaan makes the outsider count completely arbitrary. Setting it to X.

If X = 1. There is 1 outsider in the game. And all townsfolk are drunk on N1.

If X = 2. There are 2 outsiders in the game. And all tonwsfolk are drunk on N2.


The flip felt reasonable enough at the time. Icet was hardclearing Chomps so I jumped ship.


@Magnus do you wanna chat

Hello everyone

  • shut up

0 voters

I am balloonist and my info is:

N1: Hazard
N2: Icet

Oh fun

I can confirm publicly and will not claim mutant.

I am a living breathing townsfolk :bowing_man:

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who is currently waiting for @Hippopablompoyeetus to stop ditching me

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My mind’s whoozy from the lateness of the hour so I don’t particularly see how there’s much benefit to gain as a result, when I’m not particularly equipped to partake in taxing discourse. The request has been noted, if it’s urgent let me know, otherwise I might just sprawl unto the floor like a collapsed mannequin.

why does hippo ditch me so

Pbbbbt @Hippopablompoyeetus talk to me in the morning

im sorry i just finished my porridge

I dreamt you as the xaan who held the baby yesterday so claimed saint and today have passed baby on.

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I’m available for meetings now anyone?