compromises, Blood on the Clocktower - Good wins

Not Voting (9): Jarek, Magnus, Hippopablompoyeetus, Chomps, Kiiruma, Hazardwaste, IcetFeelsPain, Zone_Q11, Leafia

I’m not changing anything Magnus.

I never lied about my role.

Going to head out for now. Hopefully more people will be on once I get back on.


@Hippopablompoyeetus back

…wait, 12 hours have definitely passed.
What am I doing?

VOTE: Chomps

Current Votecount

Nominator Nominee # Voters
Zone Chomps 1 Zone
Not Voting 8 Jarek, Magnus, Hippopablompoyeetus, Chomps, Kiiruma, Hazardwaste, IcetFeelsPain, Leafia

Chomps (1): Zone_Q11

Not Voting (8): Jarek, Magnus, Hippopablompoyeetus, Chomps, Kiiruma, Hazardwaste, IcetFeelsPain, Leafia

VOTE: Zone

All town on zone (please :) )

ok VOTE: Chomps

i actually dont need to anymore i cleared something up lol (aware this looks im just salty from the previous rejection but not i promise)

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let evil deal with me, i either keep generating info or get nked

That excuse didn’t work on me it won’t work on you

@Hippopablompoyeetus whisper me now

I thought of a possibility of why the night death is what it is.

And it makes me distrust someone. Strongly.

Nw me?

/meet hazard if ur around


that convo was like a low priestess i just left 10x more confused than before