Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time




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Thereā€™s a special in Splatoon called Tacticooler that puts up a soda stand for your team and thatā€™s how people call it out. Exactly like Joe Biden. ā€œSODA!!!ā€

Obama didnā€™t Care in the slightest

Youā€™re reaching.

Reaching what

Itā€™s meta now so you get to hear many more calls of SODA!!!, which is optimal

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Too many syllables. Shorten it. Optimal. New meta.

People who call it ā€œpopā€ are winning


Pop goes the weasel. I support this.

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I like that perk in dead by daylight

@discobot roll 1d10

:game_die: 1

dead by daylight mentioned; opinion disregarded

Someone has won.

But I vaulted

My favourite part of Splatoon is that certain weapons with longer names, donā€™t know which I could possibly be referring to, suck so much ass that there is no standardized shortened callout for them. I say ā€œAerosprayā€ every time. Iā€™m sure the 3 people in the west who play Turf War competitively call them something shorter but for everyone else, if it canā€™t kill you in the time it takes to say three syllables, no need to abbreviate

But they added the Xenomorph though.

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I donā€™t get the latest addition of the killers. They no longer seem interesting