Except Dredge
The Xenomorph chapter is actually decent for a change though.
You can tell exactly how long the “Dy-na-mo” takes to kill you. Three syllables. No standard abbreviation. Slowest kill time in the game, don’t need to.
You are right about that
You mean speed matters in a Splatoon game?
No that’s a myth. All that matters is soda
You mean “pop”.
may what’s a really funny out of left field splatoon term i need one QUICK
I’m bad on the spot
People sometimes abbreviate the Wiper Deco as the “DWiper → Diper” but everyone hates it
Nobody actually does this they just call it Wiper
She Splat on my oon till i DWiper
The number of things that end in -er in Splatoon is really bad for my general quality of humour it’s endless free I hardly know ‘er
im hoooooome
Welcome back!
ok guys todaysstody is back we can post again now. we’ve been waiting