Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

The sun isn’t real I can be as weird as I want always


I would like the chicken sandwich from the Colombian place near me and also their rose tea. And fries

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is this an order

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I am the king


fol doordash
you can get the nearest foler to deliver you food

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One time I went to a subway and there was no one around. I looked around for a bit but then I noticed what sounded like a commotion in the back room. I went in to see no one around, so I went deeper. Then someone ran up to me and forced me to play mahjong or be banished from this realm

Mymom doesn’t like anything remotely spicy so she gets it without the sauce and I steal her leftovers and it is NOTHING. Without the sauce

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Can i be your jester

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We have this restaurant meant to imitate greek cuisine


I asked a greek friend what he thinks about of this. Nothing from here is greek lmao

Of course

This is too much toomFoLery


Okay. I believe that you had your uncle, who was previously on the throne assasinated to take it for your own

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I’'m not sure how I feel about “healthy” being plastered on a packaging when there’s meat and french fries in it.

Jester’s privilege

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I have so much jesters privlege its unreal

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I need to figure out who lives the closest to me
I am pretty sure wazza lives in the region where I go to uni because weather descriptions matched a couple times

and also because they spoke about “[county name] tea” which isn’t necessarily a giveaway because you can have [county name] tea outside of that county but still

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I am meeting a very diverse and interesting world. Thank you people for existing.

I am rapidly approaching

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