A Discord server I’m in used to have a Massachusettsemote where is the Massachusetts emote here
king ussy
idk who lives closest to me now. in the mafiaverse in general there were like 3 ppl near me. fol i think italy or gorta was closest. now idunno
If you would meet Arctic IRL, what would you two do or say?
you are discovering why kingussie posting exists. this is the sole reason
Boxing match
Doxing match?
Beaten to death
the pine forest can’t dole it out THAT well can it??
I’m going to invite him to a nice cafe and when he shows up im gonna come in with a massive dslr camera and like an entire crew
Marissa this is the FoL moderators
Would he lose? Bring him juger first and then do KO
(I don’t know anything about alcoholic beverages)
You cannot stop me
there are so many awesome named places. I used to say the letters “ae” alot in certain situations (my speech patterns have changed significantly) and discovered the FOREST OF AE. next to the village of ae. if you look it up on google it shows up in full caps for some reason
May wanna go to the forest of ae with me