Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

see mine are constantly talking about how much they hate PDF files. atleast i think. the text-to-voice is a little wonky sometimes

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I have suddenly gotten very sleepy noooooo


Have a good night, Silviu.
Have a good night, everyone else.

I’m gonna sleep off this sensation.


Tik tok

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Good night Mxer Amagus :people_hugging:


This feels me with so much joy.


joy??? JOY??? :joy_cat: JOYCAT REFERENCE

I hope I am using that correctly. I remember once reading about Mx (title) on Wikipedia but I was too young to understand what it meant so I went away, then it went back into my memory :joy_cat:

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There are exactly two posts in my drafts on Tumblr and I cannot post them here but they are my good friends. They are great posts


I know I cannot reblog them for the sake of my friends who follow me so they stay with me in the drafts

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ok goodbight

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Wasn’t it F4?

holy smokes yall

im doing art for a setup that definitely needs art to be cool and good and i am struggling i am not good at this. the last time i did art it was for may bday. wondering if i should do the same monochromatic blocky style. its what i know

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the last time i finished. i have on many occasions since then started and not finished something

I napped

It was a good nap

Now I have to decide whenever I stay complacent into mindlessly watch videos about things I already know or work on my hobbies (effort) :thinking: