Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

my frontal cortex is beyond developed. you losers have nothing on me


Make better tea!! Stronger!! And you can put stuff in it!! Honey and lemon and such (lemon is not always the best on a sore throat if you put too much)

The rosehip milk tea I had today was Too strong. Did not taste Anything like water & that was a minor problem. Had a ton of milk in it too

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Are you not supposed to put in a single teabag?

“such” being gin. thats how you make tea fun


I had a friend growing up who would put 3 in a single cup which feels like excess. Feels like the kind of thing that brings down empires. But yes you can do that

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If I ever choose to get drunk I’m doing it in a voice chat.

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God you’re such a nerd

(I am litereally yang wen-li) (none of you know who it is because you people cannot appreciate the GREATNESS that is the 80’s anime Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Probably best anime ever made)


I don’t get what you mean by saying this now and here.

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Observation. That’s all. It’s not new to me but you get reminded sometimes, you know

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I should eat. Dinner. Which is also my lunch and breakfast. And yesterday’s dinner. That would be wise and intelligent

May you play Mahjong, I don’t know what that is

(You are a nerd)

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I am also such a nerd

I hope your dinning is HEALTHY and NUTRITIOUS

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i ftr refuse to LoGH-post. because everyone deserves to watch it completely blind. it’s fucking incredibile. Strategy, space war, family drama, slice of life, political thriller, super queercoded MC. And it’s so long.

Sometimes I’m just going through life, blissfully unaware, but then someone slaps me with the “nerd” label out of nowhere and my cerebral matter becomes self-aware. As I once again begin to contemplate our place in the universe, and the crushing weight that we are insignificant among the stars, I turn my hatred towards the person who threw that four letter word at me without a second thought in their mind, that smooth brain pepega not even having the slightest comprehension of what they had done to me.


This place is for NERDS magnus

I used to review Wikipedia articles for KICKS


Wikipedia race me, you won’t.