Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

we should host a pickup line tournament

(i would win)

the day has come

they removed it
how dare you

what are you cooking italy

click my profile and find out

it’s not something the ICC will hold against me this time


happy birthday italy

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what do you call the anniversary of a nation’s creation i can’t remember

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Well us former british colonies usually call it independance day. (lookin at u especially fellow aussies and canadians. we made it.

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National Day

Wait nope national day is to commemorate something important in that country’s history.

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Either way, uhhhh…

National day!




yeah i knew about that one but it doesn’t deserve to be celebrated

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you must be a lamp because when im around you my face lights up

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It’s that british charm, clearly.

Are you glasses? Because I’m velma-lost without you

Nobody can beat that

