duck duck grey duck
note: this is a Minnesota thing not a US thing
Looking at a dumbbell caused my arm to break
This is not all of the US to be clear it’s like one state
this sounds very dumb
My story is true and yours is false
and instead of just being like “duck duck duck duck duck duck ARCTIC” you usually say like “blue duck, yellow duck, orange duck, pink duck, grrrrrrrrrrreen duck, red duck, GREY DUCK”
ugly duckling reference
I’ve never broken a bone because I’m too physically weak to get into situations where I would break a bone
its duck duck grey duck
okay actually the game itself makes a bit more sense this way since you have to pay slightly more attention
but the name still sounds stupid
passes by arctic gay duck
my favourite vodka is gay goose
lightmode users out yourselves immediately
Id rather admit im a bigot than that