Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time


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Winston. (in john wicks voice)


I hear that one of the cookies will be poised

mod apps

bottom text

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mod app? I mean he hasn’t been around in a while but he’s pretty cool


what if the earth is actually flat

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I said this in a wolfgame of mine once (referring to worlds in which I was evil as “pudding worlds” as I found them made-up and false) and ever since I don’t think I’ve seen the world “pudding world” used dismissively to refer to any world that is actually false. Every time someone calls something a pudding world it’s for realsies. My sample size is two

This is the other sample

Eh that’s boring compared to donut Earth.

Should I try using “pudding” as a signal to let you know when I’m being serious about something?

A “pudding world” is generally considered to be a surface-level far-fetched world that once actually believes in on some level. It became regular terminology back home. I went back and checked, most future “pudding worlds” were not for realsies. “The vigilante is fake and was given a gun by the dead town inventor” is a pudding world. So not so much a signal of seriousness as a signal of acknowledgement that the argument one is making is a little bit out there but still being sincerely considered.


may kfc role pm

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Isn’t pudding world a hypothetical thought experiment outlining the possible dangers of AI?

Also, much like flat earth, I am not the result of the Steel Smelting process.



Don’t act like u didnt take this from neil cicierega smh

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It actually traces back to an older source

(Theres spiders in this video)