Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

You always remember your first cookie thread post.
(I don’t.)

i dont either

I feel like I have the information somewhere, but I can’t pull it up with just “first cookie thread post”. Let me look and see if I’m right on that

Yeah, I was right. It was Jake changing my toki pona name. I definitely had that in memory somewhere.

["…Maje is a good name. Why am I not I jan Maje???

From now on I’m jan Maje"]

Before I was jan Maja. jan Maje makes much more sense as a transliteration of May. jan Me would be the most literal version, it sounds ~identical to “May”, but having used my name in text before out loud, I’m much more attached to the aesthetics and spelling of it than the sound. So jan Maje it is.

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happy Salmon Day in the French revolutionary calendar


Well now I know what Splatoon game mode I’m going to play. No more attempting to play .52 in Opens

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The hell’s going on here

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The French Revolutionary Calendar sure isn’t confusing.

Salmon Day isn’t a holiday dedicated to salmon. It’s a day named after salmon. Augustus Caesar was born in September.

“National Salmon Day is celebrated every year on October 8, as proposed by Chicken of the Sea. Did you know that salmon is the second most popular seafood consumed by Americans? The pink fish now has its own annual day of celebration. The holiday is observed as a reminder of the health benefits that wild and packaged salmon provide. It is recommended to eat fatty fish such as salmon twice a week due to the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. So, are you ready to exploit this pink fish and satisfy your fish craving?”

Exploit this pink fish…

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I wouldn’t google that.

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No, I’m saying that Salmon Day in the French revolutionary calendar isn’t a salmon holiday. It’s just a day that happens to be named after salmon, isn’t it? The month of August is named after Augustus Caesar, but the actual day to celebrate him would be different. I don’t know anything about the French revolutionary calendar.

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Alternative answer: yeah, that’s the United States’ day for salmon. This is the French Salmon Day. There’s a secret USAmerican Revolutionary Calendar you can unlock by combining all the various national days.

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Losing. Losing is going on here

Why not?

They’re all words that sound vaguely sexual. If you’re the California DMV, at least.

Huh. Alright, if you say so.

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