Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

It is accurate
I find that while I am capable of caring about people when our interests don’t match at all, I couldn’t give less of a shit about what they have to say most of the time

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Weird experience

I disagree with everything I’ve said about myself it’s all WRONG


i dont
my vision has issues but apparently that’s more to do with my brain. so thats fun

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I am:

A dreamer who struggles to choose between the transient and the real


You both need jesus


why do i need jesus


Should we explore ur post history, story?

I don’t think faith has been a particularly effective guiding light for my life

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how do you follow someone else’s choreography
it’s just not you

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I dont mind following a permutation of bits and pieces of other peoples choreography, i pick what i like and i make it my own

I dont think humans are that unique from each other, there are only so many differentiating traits and stances imo

other than the brief discussion of murder it is clean

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I can’t regurgitate
I can’t make the same moves as other people in the exact same progression as they do
It’s all a sequence of my own creation that fits me uniquely to the fuckin letter

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it’s like jazz

im not very religious but i celebrate some things and do this and that etc etc
i find that belief doesn’t have to be particularly strong for it to have positive effects. if its supposed to bring you peace it will

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i spose its different for everyone. but thats how it is for me

The lights should blaze bright
The music should scream from the soul
I can’t settle for moderation if you don’t give everything then you gave FUCKING NOTHING

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You don’t like me?

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