Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

how would it work?

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in what way, if i may ask

“why” is easy, just to leave the room

“how” is solved by a puzzle in a game thats already happened, just more complicated

how would it accomplish the goal of ‘making people better at making good murder plans’

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have you played the doctor freeze boss in the arkham games?

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Yes but that game is not a free action system

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that saved me an explaination

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I need to see this

not the source of the “hitman”, mind you
just tons of different ways to murder someone, probably host designed
it sounds really complicated now that i say it out loud

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it’s not about “how to kill people”
people already know how to do that

it’s about “making a good plan so that you can get away as the blackened”


the killing is not particularly complicated and you just need to pick the easiest target unless your plan relies on something else
or at least the easiest target for your chosen method

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couldn’t you just have eight to the whole 16, depending on complexity, find a way to kill them and host a mini trial
it sounds way more boring to match to dr, but i still think it could “work”

I suppose we could go with tutorial

teaching people how to do things is out of my zone lol

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people work better “acting” then “reading”
in a low pressure enviroment that invites them to do it, either by rewards or progress, i guess it would “help”

we ball

dont forget about the niche mafia playerbase that just wants to ball and literally would probably play a game even if it was the biggest heap of shit known to man

my main concern is that
it sounds pretty boring to just have another trial without stakes, even if you shorten the time

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i have an idea.

btw dr6 is probably happening
and then i’ll do dr7

that might only lend
that’d be boring too