Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

I am not referring to Amber Heard

what if we put a big fire pit underneath the big money pit that the rich people have so when the money goes in they burn it and they canā€™t stop it

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a man donating to his own charity to pass down his 3 billion dollars? to his children tax free

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technically speaking if you lose all your money after it comes out that your entire business is built on massive fraud then you have donated all your money ($0) to charity



oh nevermind you were thinking of a different one

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um yeah

i forgot his name

Did you know that USA has billions of perfectly good food thrown into the trash when it could otherwise be useful?

i told you this!!

i regret saying i hate the middle class this convo is making me sad

its okay!!
the middle class forgives you!

baker you would love my hoodie

No, actually! I was watching a left-wing youtube channel and told me about this and a footage was about how perfect donuts were being thrown out and the dumpsters would literally

literally be gated by cops so poor starving people couldnā€™t get their hands on the trashed donuts that were literally fine

i dont want the middle class to forgive me

ā€œOne mans trash, another mans treasureā€

old romanian idiom

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givd me mobey

dont call silviu an old romanian idiot!!! hes like only 18

(this is one of those facts thatā€™s technically-true-but-partially-misleading ā€“ ~39% of that is from individual households, much of which is fairly difficult to avoid (like, you could try to buy exactly the amount of food you need, but (a) it might not even be sold in the exact quantity you need (b) since it isnā€™t possible to be perfect, you would probably end up going hungry sometimes because you underestimated how much food you would need)

(this is not to defend the US, as a country we are absolutely failing at, like, our basic ethical obligations. but)

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