Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

i spend allll my time talking to people and doin social things. yesterday me and a couple queers crashed a frat party before saying we were in the wrong frat and got kicked out. gonna try again this weekend tho


all i do is talk to people. and sleep through spanish class. because i was up until 5 talkin to people


college orientation sucked. it was a lot of random middle administrators talking about random stuff, and dumb team-building activities with people I would never talk to again. Also my roommate was some random guy which was, well, not super ideal. Except heā€™s actually the only person I actually still talk to that I saw at orientation so cool.

also i couldnt dress nearly like i usually do because my mom was there at the same time


ā€¦you did??? o///o

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A slot opened up in a class I need to take and I could get rid of my Singular 8AM class by destroying the entire rest of my schedule in a horrible domino effect. Or I could find some other way to get out of this class. Difficult decision. Attending the class is not an option

if I had 8am classes i genuinely donā€™t know what iā€™d do. 10am classes are way too much for me. which is honestly a bad sign considering 10am is actually 12pm for me because im still timezone jetlagged a bit

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i think forcing two people to share a room thatā€™s not even big enough for one person is cruel


i also think prisons should be overhauled

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I canā€™t fix the class without taking on OTHER 8AM classes I feel like Sisyphus

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my dorm is a double but itā€™s actually, like, a walk-in closet they call a room and a still pretty small room. I have the walk-in closet but realistically I donā€™t give a fuck because I only go to my dorm to sleep and, like, store clothes

i compared my freshman year dorm room to a prison room because honestly they were not that dissimilar. it had a linoleum floor. what the actual fuck

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I get privileges on account of the awesome letter my doctor wrote to the disability office at least. A single and my own bathroom and AC

itā€™s like a floor you would see in walmart but like. in a dorm room. the hallways were not like this

i didnt know you LIKED it
ill be sure to wear the carrot costume again next year

They tried to put me on the 4th floor with no elevator and I wrote in to tell them to fuck off so they gave me my own bathroom over a suite which was cool

it was also the one dorm on campus that didnā€™t have air conditioning. itā€™s getting renovated now even though it just got renovated like 10 years ago because they were closing its dining hall and no one wanted to live there anymore there was genuinely no reason

my dorm is, like, well over 100 years old. not even an exaggeration. So you have WW1 architecture with a bunch of rainbow pride stuff around the dorm becuase its the queer dorm

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:sob: would kill anyone for the first one (or the second tbh)

haha yeah. as a joke. girls are so NOT pretty right guys

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