Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Despite this fact I was winning and locked in psionic warfare with the guy across from me (also winning) except he never called bullshit and I called it on him every single time

Every time he lied, that is. He picked up the cards differently when he did

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Literally people who do the peanutbutter hehe I lied thing make the game 10x easier for me cause you get your tells down

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thinking about how in primary school they held an assembly to clarify that if someone attacks you dont defend yourself and call out for help, to which little story decided to argue with the head of the school over this in a hall with everyone in the school. Like what if theres no one around. Whats so bad about protecting yourself. I don’t think I had very good reasons I think I just wanted to be able to fight people

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i knew first hand defending yourself was awesome. there was this kid from another school who would see me after school and just fight me for no reason. pushed me into a strange little corner bit that was somehow permamently muddy (it got more violent but im not getting into that). Then one time I pushed him into the mud. Fell right on his ass. I won the interaction and didnt have to deal with him again. That was probably helped by me and my mom going to the other school to tell them but I like to think it was because I epic owned him

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Right for the Wrong reasons

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I knew at a very young age to use the right arguments to further my fiendish plots. I also knew I couldnt convince this teacher otherwise but I just HAD to stand up for myself. I was like that for a while

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Still am. I dont take no slander. But I’m not as glove slap across the face we must duel at dawn now I have chill sometimes

anyways thats todays story I take donations now if you give me donations I will tell more stories please give me money

hey 4 minutes ago me why did you write this

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we must duel at dawn




How not-good is ToS2?

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its fun

Yeah but does it bring one unjust wrath?

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I just realized I still had ToL downloaded

skill issue