Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

I do hear this message quite alot, I am always wondering if it’s almost always true aswell. That normal people can be mean to each other because something mean is happening to them.


that’s a better assumption to make then “they purposely bring other people down out of pleasure, rather then out of pain”

mostly better

but then there is stuff like Seer and Doomsayer :wowee:

those people are also fewer then the ones described, ergo; it’s probably just more likely they’re depressed and losing a game they put their all into caused them to be sad, only because of their own devices.

I did feel salty when you wrecked me in that lizard game and also me absolutely messing up everything up where otherwise I could’ve won. But that’s more because I felt pretty embarrased until the others assured me that everything is okay. :see_no_evil:

everyone’s their own hero, and everyone likes to think they’re right

I do have that feeling of trying to be right, so I don’t sound like I am sillying myself in front of everyone :broken_heart:

That’s for more serious things of course, not me when I am usually silly

listening to the best song youve ever heard for it to just start being gun loading sounds, bonk sound effect and discord pings for no fucking reason


when i say gun loading sounds im not talking like boy is a gun im talking like the entire beat just starts being made out of gun loading sounds for no reason

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It’s pride today!!! (Yes it is august I know but our little Washington-Idaho region does pride today. In August. For whatever reason.)



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Fr. Love me some gay people. Picked up a trans and bi flag to match my cheeks


I fr literally never go in my dorm. Half the time I don’t even sleep in there. But when I do it will be gay and trans

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Either way back to friends thanks cookie thread for being my liveblog destination


i mistook the pride flag for the german at first glance



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College trick: wear a nice dress and then everyone will tell you that you have a nice dress


And lie to people and get called out on it. REPEATEDLY

“Ohhh let’s play bullshit” fuck you. They just look me in the eye and ask if I lied and ohhhhh look polarised May. Every time