Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Anyway the rules of bullshit are you go around in a circle putting cards down in the center of the table. Face down. And you’re allowed to lie about what you’re putting down. But if someone calls bullshit on it, you gotta take a penalty. And naturally I bullshit all the time and get caught all the time

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may do you feel an urge to headbutt bricks or that youre suddenly much larger than you were 10 minutes ago

I live for the moments in mafia games where I lie repeatedly enough to where I can just tell the truth and people wont believe me

It’s hilarous to just open claim ur role truthfully this wayb

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People just look me in the eye and say “did you lie” and I immediately begin laughing and they say BULLSHIT and I pick up half the deck. I was winning despite this because I can do the same thing to everybody else. Except I don’t have to ask them questions they put the cards down different when they lie


I think like half my wolfgames have some moment where I can’t help but be a little silly

One time I claimed cop in my first post and then managed to redcheck two scum

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Literally pathological

One time I was a fire fighter in a turbo and I cliamed a green check on a villager and then hard pushed like both wolves and then when I claimed my true role the scum pushed agenda against me and got me killed and I told the town to kill both the wolves and they didn’t listen and I was pissed

Like i outed after this first redcheck too. They thought i was cheating. Anyways zorvo carried and scum won

There was a town arsonist and a town fire fighter

isn’t this just coup

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This is why I remind people that if you think zorvo is scum do not wait till middle game to kill him. You cannot kill zorvo in middlegame

how much of your town games can you help but be a little bit silly

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Well they’re silly in different ways. In wolf games I truthfully claim scum if it’s funny every single time. You have to set me up for the joke and I’ll go straight for it


im looking for when I claimed scum in that same game. because Im pretty similar to my town play except i fear gods wrath. my way to defeat that is to laugh in gods face so I will be smitten if I commit or not


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Whatever. I have ice cream now

you should make a maytreon (may patreon)

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