Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

whenever I lose a point in pingpong in a particularly humiliating fashion I will at some point over the next three points absolutely fucking LAUNCH the ping pong ball at my opponent. Forget the table. I just want to hurt. It’s a known phenomenon. I will sacrifice a point to put fear into my opponents. I basically always win when I do this (I am also just the best in the dorm at pingpong in the pool of people who play)

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Everyone gets soooo worried when I injure myself playing some manner of game they’re like oh I’m sorry I’ll be careful was that my fault that was my fault. It’s not your fault. It’s My Fault. And I do it because I love it


I cant help but be overly competitive when debating the role balance of tos2


That is all i will be super competitive about

I cool off quickly even if im destroyed in anything else

I do not get why



We should play Hearts for Windows so we can all try to kill each other

hearts for windows?

Hearts for Windows.

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For browser.

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I’m in learn to use R class right. And it’s very very easy and very very slow so I start a game of Mahjong Soul. And then there’s an error in my code (because of a typo) and I have to ask a TA to come over and I have to tab over to make discards WHILE he’s helping me

I won tho

we had to create a teamname for a class of mine and i said to myself “dont say gay space animals” at least 8 times it was really hard


the teamname my team came up with was arguably much worse

What you’ve gotta keep in mind is that there’s different tiers of outfit compliments, ranked generally by their source. From lowest to highest weight, they are:

  • You mention your outfit and someone says they like it
  • Person you are otherwise conversing with on an unrelated subject compliments your outfit
  • Person you previously knew goes out of their way to compliment your outfit outside of conversation
  • Person you do not previously know starts conversation with you by complimenting your outfit

And while I have received roughly equal VOLUME of compliments on bad dress vs other dresses, barring short black dress which received 0 (found this odd, have to repeat experiment), said compliments have been lower WEIGHT. So I cannot conclude that bad dress is of greater or even similar quality to all other dresses

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I have to do my laundry to wear the 0-score dress again. Ugh fine I’ll do my laundry

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we be dressing


Speak for yourself

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I like having my laptop open in class because it obscures my hands from view (I am on my phone playing Mahjong Soul)

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Alternatively I am on my laptop playing Mahjong Soul

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