Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time


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can you imagine getting more than 5 hours of sleep get a load of this nerd

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I have a mild concussion according to my doctor. I now have medically prescribed darkmode and low brightness

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Legacy dark is such a throwback

(Actually she told me to avoid screens if not absolutely necessary. But. Cokey thread)


Too wild

i do not be dressing

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am close to thousandposting

meanwhile may is 5000posting

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I’m the best at posting

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Every time I post they clap and cheer and give me awards for my posting prowess. They were out of ice cream cones at hte dining hall so I hda to use a cereal bowl which ocmpletely RUINS the ice cream experience cause you can’t take it out and eat it while walking

do u guys not have ice cream tubs you need the little ice cream tubs

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They don’t have them in the dining hall no

i always get the tubs i cant eat the cones. the cones slowly leak from the side its terrifying. most anxiety enducing thing ever


do you know what is causing this?

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the cones are delicious though it’s worth it


nvm i wake up at 9am tmrw lol. i wake up 6am on most thursdays

General weakness, pain. Blood flow issues. Heart rate issues. That kinda thing. A bit of a salad

Get well as soon as possible May!