Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Restless leg syndrome is my only roadblock. I am seething

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same tbh

If you must claim to be a girlceo, are you really a girlceo

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I’m getting a girleducation at girlcollege


We lost the set but my stats were sick as hell so did I really lose

I think I could ask various groups of people whether I’m girlboss or failgirl and they’d have WILDLY different answers nya

Easily failgirl sorry

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Gimme a number for data?

do the people who call you a girlboss know your fol win-loss record

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I’m trying to think who I can send this to who won’t go ???

Like I want to gather data from all stages of my online life but half these places are full of people who are 30 or 40 years old and do not need this

Nobody’s called me a girlboss yet they haven’t responded

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Is this reference universal do people know this

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HEY now that that BotF is over I can say I’m 8-3 since my curse was broken. I mean I was 0-10 until then so still not great

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anni feels like it should count as more than one loss


yo nerds, with BotF ending we have no miscs in the queue, this means that you (yes, you, the reader) can easily host any misc simply by putting it in the queue before anyone else puts a misc in queue


i should host kotc 2


anyone have any good board games i can host as a misc