Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Secret Palpatine

My hair has so much more blonde in it… because I see the sun now…

This is wild

your hair should be seeing your bed more often it’s almost 1 am

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Update your avatar with blonde hair.

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Terraforming Mars

i remember some old board game i had a blast playing but for the life of me i can’t remember what it was called

basically you were stranded in a desert in the middle of fuckoff nowhere and had to move around getting shit so you don’t die horrible deaths
two biggest mechanics were sand and water
sand piles up onto tiles
you can’t walk onto a tile that has 3 sand
if a tile you’re on gets 3 sand, you are buried and therefore die a horrible death
there were events, the most common being the UNMATCHED POWER OF THE SUN robbing people of their water if they weren’t hiding in a tile with sand
have to put your airship (oh right also it’s steampunk by the way) back together and gtfo
there were also classes i got a lot of mileage out of the climber which could go up to like 7 sand instead of 3 it was busted

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logically speaking you can guess what happens if people run out of water

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is there such thing as a failboss

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that game kicked ass really wish i could play it again
better than catan

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might be Forbidden Desert?

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The other day Story and you went to the park, where your and you tossed a ball around your head for a few hours. You sure had fun together.

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Omori dialogue


@May Can you confirm

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