Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

don’t tell anyone but you can actually just put regular ass dish soap in there it works just fine

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bubbles like crazy though

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Dishwasher? I hardly know ‘er

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ive never had ad ishwasher i am the dishwasher. I wash all the dishes.

you know her very well actually

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If I put you in the dishwasher wouldyou dissolve

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I’ve never had a dishwasher I wouldn’t know. Wanna find out

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i use dish soap for everything i’m too lazy to get hand soap so i just wash my hands with the dish soap and i probably shouldn’t but i’m not dead yet

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im so tired i read “get hand soap” as “girl soap”

Bring me girl soap

Ive worked as a dish washer at a restaurant. I lasted 1 day before i got fired for being too slow. They wanted me to cook entrees while washing the dishes at the same time

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ur so mean wtf


Really hard not to bully you (endearingly) :weary:

we did this for like the last month of our tenancy last year because no one wanted to but new soap for the last couple weeks lmao

Fuck I need to buy dish soap

b-but it’s not endearing :crying_cat_face:

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Everyone will yell at me if I go to purchase it myself and I don’t wanna ask someone to go buy dish soap with me and I don’t wanna ask my parents for the Amazon login because I haven’t called them at all and I refuse to contact them for the first time since I moved out for dish soap

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I’m not going to get killed if I go to Walmart. Right. Right

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Well its not the worst

Ultimately the point of soap is to loosen up bacteria so they get washed away when u rinse with water. It doesn’t actually kill them afaik

My mom is the same as u but i cant live without hand soap

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from what i’ve briefly seen walmart employees appear to be a menace to society