Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Alison Pasta

I’ve adapted this a little bit to suit my preferences, it’s pretty flexible though

Food needed:

  • Pasta (I use “vegetable radiatore” from the nearby Trader Joe’s but I think that might be TJ’s specific, basically whatever kind of generic pasta you like is probably fine)
  • Small amount of salt
  • Spices (optional)
  • Mushrooms (optional)
  • Tomatoes (optional)
  • Garlic or garlic powder (optional)
  • Olive oil (optional)
  • Alison’s recipe suggested adding tofu but the first time I went to make this I discovered my tofu had gone bad and then it was pretty good without tofu so I haven’t bothered to add it
  • Sauce (I like pesto sauce but it will work with tomato or alfredo sauce. Alison uses tomato sauce.)
  • Shredded or grated cheese (extremely optional, Alison is vegan so the original recipe didn’t have this at all)
  • The optional things are all individually optional but if you leave all of them out and don’t put in anything to replace them your pasta will be really boring, so don’t do that unless you want really boring food

Equipment needed:

  • Saucepan/pot (mediumish)
  • Colander or strainer
  • Frying pan
  • Rubber spatula
  • Cutting board
  • Knife for cutting vegetables
  • Ideally some measuring cups (I use a 1/2 cup and a 1/4 cup, but depending on the portions you want you might prefer other measuring cup sizes. This recipe is pretty forgiving so you can also just eyeball it.)


  • Fill up the pot about halfway, add salt, bring the water to a boil, cook the pasta according to the directions on the package, you know the drill. I usually use about a cup and a half of dry pasta but you can put in however much you want.
  • While the pasta is cooking, chop up your mushrooms, garlic, tomatoes, etc.
  • Drain the pasta. I usually put the frying pan on the pasta burner (which I leave on) while I do this so that it can get a little warmed up, but this does slightly increase the risk of burning yourself.
  • Add the pasta, mushrooms, garlic, olive oil, spices, and sauce to the pan. I usually use about 1/4 cup of pesto.
  • Cook the frying pan mixture. Stir with the spatula. Make sure your sauce ends up evenly mixed.
  • After you’ve been doing this for a couple minutes or so, add the tomatoes.
  • Keep cooking until your mushrooms are the texture you would like them to be.
  • Turn off the heat and serve.
  • If you’re making it with cheese, sprinkle some cheese on top.

do you have a recipe named “Arete [something]” that you’ve come up with

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no I don’t come up with recipes I just steal them


i need to expand my arsenal of forumer recipes


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Kat kitty kat kat kitty kat kat

awwwww aren’t u cute
how the tables have turned

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Tutu, it’s now time for me to ask about your dietary choises

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ask ask

i was just about to share a recipe too

she wanted to ask arete a recipe for dog food


Do you homecook

Best wifeband material?

i cook a bit, nothing too fancy, its edible :joy:

only for myself

wifeband material?

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Well I guess nothing’s wrong with the basics, especially when it’s the best choise too

And hopefully tasty aswell

do u cook advanced stuff?

I am interested in the culinary arts, however I don’t have the capability of trying it out anytime soon

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I am yet to learn how to do a simple omlette, french fries
or a spicy soup (I hate basic soups they taste bland)

And make them taste good too

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Or literally how to do a vegetable salad. Those can be really great, but they also need to have the proper assortment of spices and oils.

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@Arete tutuu’s honey & lemon rice pudding

wash the rice multiple times, put it in a pot together with lots of milk, a pinch of salt. bring to a boil while stirring. once it stats boiling reduce to low heat. add 1 tsp vanilla extract and 1 egg yolk (separate it from the white). keep stirring. once thats done, after about 15 min or so (use intuition), when serving, put in a bowl or a cup, add lemon zest and squeeze some lemon juice to taste, and add honey to taste, 1-2 tsp’s (per serving, not for the whole pot)

u can also put jam or cinnamon instead of honey & lemon but those were my favorite infusions


omelette u just simply mix the eggs in a bowl, salt pepper, fry, but it needs some technique to fold it, if ur asking about restaurant level of omelette. idk how to fold it

french fries u just need equipment. not everyone can deep fry stuff its mostly having the equipment thats the barrier. idk how u make them in the oven maybe u can but ive no idea i hate the oven. otherwise u just simply peel the potatoes, chop it, fry it and salt it

soup - well that depends. so many different soups out there u can put whatever u want in there. i havent made one im not the biggest fan. they’re tasty but i try to cook more nutritious foods to gain weight