Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time


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mr breat please give me money my adrress is 1234 negraryole lane


to be fair I think you could ask me about half of the mainstream youtubers or streamers and Ill have mad shit to say

the idea that anyone can make it on youtube is similar to the idea that anyone can become rich because like. yeah technically true but youre probably also a sociopath

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But le wholesom misder bees??

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however I love the yogscast. I will live my life we are 10 years a yogscast fan


i am here to start shit today we are gonna beef in the cookie thread


wartime food culture in a country that hasn’t been in a state of total war for 80 years is still bad

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No as in they got the idea from wartime and it just stuck

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it’s okay america got much worse ideas from wartime


Oh no

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Interesting lore on hersheys:

Originally when they made it long time ago they transported the milk via horse carriages and it spoiled. They put it in anyway. Many years later when the technology was here, the ppl didnt like the sudden change in taste and profits dropped. So they invented an enzyme that tastes like human bile and put it in hersheys to mimic the old taste of spoiled milk, and it started selling better. Theyre still doing it to this day afaik

what the fuck is going on in america


imagine being a scientist tasked with recreating the taste of human bile. imagine its 1950s america and you go home to your wife and kids after a long hard day of that. what did they use to compare it to. How did they know they got it right. I dont trust these people

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Im trying to eat more to gain weight. So far today ive eaten: a beef burger, fries, cola, omelette, tomato slices, cheese slices, a few cups of milk, 500g chocolate pudding. The pudding i ate together w the omelette and cheese and tomatoes and i was full but couldn’t stop so i had to fight the urge to throw up and then fell in a sleeping coma. Just woke up. Hell yea baby. That shit was 750 calories alone (pudding)

i’m aware but it’s not that hard to use some damn garlic

this is terrifying because hersheys tastes like most other chocolates to me

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though there is cookies n creme and whenever i bit into one of those it tasted like i was just poisoned

America speedrun as european

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I still have dinner later i have some chicken w mushrooms