Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

:sob: not really. i have mild bulimia so it is hard to eat and workout but i pull thru and i love lifting it helps me mentally. im not a giant dude but im ok

admittedly i place more value on fitness for weight than the average person probably would as itā€™s a genuine struggle for me to gain fat

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If you do the minimum of 30m of exercises, you can get there.

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Literally twig gathering central over here

I used to bench press more than my body weight (70kg) when i was in highschool, lifted a ton, was still a skinny skeleton and didnt look good imo. I hate my visible ribs :sob: . As long as they arent visible id be happy

Dead on for me lmfao. I stay winning. My chad American diet ensures I will never be underweight



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Cut the thing in half and save that part for later :sob:

Thatā€™s how me mum did it when she bought me a burger/sandwhich when I was like 10yo

U eat as much as a cat pat pat

i saw the shawarma

how do you mistype burger as shawarma silviuā€¦

Sorry. Shawarmas are my favorite and when I thought of fast food my mind autocorrected to that thing

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VOTE: silviu200530

The ribs kinda never went away for me but the rest of my body balanced out so now itā€™s not bad or noticeable. Iā€™m chillin



i eat between 2 and 4 servings a meal i will unhesitatingly clear a box of ā€œfamily sizedā€ mac and cheese in a single sitting but i donā€™t gain any weight and iā€™m so light my doctor is worried i wonā€™t be able to handle my medication if i dip lower
i have no damn clue where it all goes

stay skinny bro. i wanna get there too

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@May You know what I remind you of on a daily!

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HRT hacks

Id say it goes towards your brain but having played mafia with you before i dunno either buddy, pat pat