Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Is it bad I don’t know what a zucchini is

this one hit! follow me for more bangers

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Go out and get ice cream alone. This post was brought to you by bad ideas May

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Congrats on the bf

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I should go out and get boba alone my afternoon is free

That’s a slippery slope. That’s like drinking alone. It ends up being only to fill an unfillable hole in your heart


It’s only like 30 degrees out I won’t faint right. I want milk tea


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I haven’t had boba yet since coming to wasnington. Actually that’s a lie I had one sip of my friends boba but that doesn’t count I want boba

I don’t know I don’t speak non freedom units

great divide goes hard it’s like neapolitan but without strawberry (cringe) try it

How do you know it’s not 30F over here


Shut up loser

if you fainted from 30f i could kill you with a blowdryer

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30C is 86F

brb tracking weather patterns


Abandon fehweyiwet return to celsius

I’m rounding and using Celsius for a reason

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I still dont have a water filter so I’m perpetually dehydrated

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