Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

you eat something other than fudge dipped vanilla your opinion is factually incorrect


Things I need to purchase

  • Dish soap
  • Water filter
  • Ice cube tray

My roomie got one and thank god. Unfortunately there is a door between our rooms (you have to go through mine to get to hers but itā€™s still one room). And I just never go in there

  • More 1mg melatonin

you donā€™t actually need to replace your water filter when the light goes red they just
strongly reccommend it


i just have drinking fountain water. it doesnā€™t even have one of those dedicated water bottle dispensers but itā€™s cold and it tastes good. i do not fear lead lead should fear me


I have friends who have offered me theirs but theyā€™re all on the second floor and it feels so extreme to go visit someone on another floor to ask for their shit. If theyā€™re on the same floor I can do it but as previously mentioned none of the guys on my floor talk to me like I am a normal person so I donā€™t like talking to them


mineā€™s been red for a month itā€™d take me like 5 minutes to replace it iā€™m just lazy

I buy big tubes of water (11L) and have a water pump for it

U wouldnt be able to carry it but u could ask a friend

Filter might be better for you though if youre too shy to ask

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Iā€™m a 3rd floorcel we chilling tho

Math quiz time

If one could teleport you could watch so many free movies

Marissa boyfriend arc?

I was a 3rd floorcel at first. Despite having a written accommodation request saying ā€œDonā€™t put me on the third floor without an elevatorā€. College is magical

People talk about how they wish to have super powers what if I wish to have a power solely to troll other people

I slept through my quiz this morning I need to figure out the retake time (also at 8AM)

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the 8am thing seems flawed as a concept may

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I did wake up at 8AM I just unwoke up very soon after

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And also itā€™s just all at fucking 8AM because oh the misery every single person is my enemy etc etc et al


My friendā€™s mom got kidney stones from drinking tap water years ago im scared of it since