Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

towels time sounds like an indie horror game


doing laundry in college is horror


I am so demotivated rn


you never know if you’re gonna have to take someone else’s clothes out of the drier because they didn’t go pick them up and there isn’t an open drier. maybe your clothes are out of the drier because you were 3 minutes late. many such possibilities

i wish it was tomorrow already

so true. SO true. our washers are from the 80s. the driers are newer and without fail do not work.

tommorows story

today’s story is a tragedy

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maybe one of the freshmen even started a fire. you just never know

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Story. You are amazing, I know that it might appear hard, but I know you can do it.

Deep breaths, step-by-step and by the very next moment you won’t even realize you’re almost approaching the finish line.

tomorrow never comes
today is perpetual
yesterday is gone

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i won’t stop making these jokes by the way

before todaysstory there was GoneTomorrow


i needed ice one time and someone said i could use their ice tray so i go to that freezer for like the only time ever and the door broke but i didn’t even do anything like it just broke whoever opened it next would have broken it (there were screws loose) but of course it was me


i have a screw loose

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did you consider this is why they let you use their ice tray

holy shit

this is the new unscrewed salt shaker lid


this is whu i never used a drier and just hung up my clothes on one of those rack thingies

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