Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time




however I think today is just ognna suck whatevrer I do. just the way it is

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see my room already got mold once (bad plumbing caused flooding) and i would rather that didn’t happen again

I could do some java maybe. I have a bonus homework to do for class where I translate pig latin. I love learning from the basics


Sometimes you just want to start again

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who the fuck doesn’t know pig latin

I know how to make your day better

ognna suck whatevrer

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Okay but what if you have like a 2 page essay in pig latin


ontday ebay a itchbay
just do it

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You are broken Arctic
I, on the other hand, am used to winning

i have issues typing right so I make alot of mistakes and correct them. Sometimes I couldnt be bothered. Over time those mistakes have entered my vocabulary. I almost exclusively type nothign


my room is on a slant. the dorm was built in the 10’s. The 1910s. It has been ship of theseus’d and cobbled together again and again over the last 100 years and is now on a tilt. And has random pipes everywhere. and the couches are from the 70s.

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have faith, and eventually the answer will reveal itself

pig latin is what you use when talking about mcdonalds in the presence of an illiterate 5 year old

yes this is piglatin slander

I only receive (Ls)

ficus tree call that figlatin