Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

If you thought we’d see you typing, what were you trying to say?

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I was typing somrtjing like “and if u wanna support bisexuality you can send me $10” but then i didnt bc i didnt think it was that funny


A joke not being funny has never stopped me from making it.

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throwback to when cheese was typing for like 3 hours and everyone thought they were going to drop the world’s biggest wallpost but they just fell asleep on their keyboard


i liked angleshooting ability
made the site feel more homey

i hated people using it to angleshoot but


I just angleshoot the time between people’s messages instead. If I ask anyone their typing speed randomly mid-game, that’s why.

Could you have that function tied to a certain tag, so it isn’t in mafia games but you could have it for general threads like this?

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Wow, your last post was 24 minutes ago. You must have been thinking of something to say in Mafia chat, there’s no other logical explanation for the delay.


It worked! Once!

unfortunately it is kind of telling that someone is lurking when they start typing

In Starcraft, Jaiden paused for a little while after I asked her to vote Neon. She was asking permission to bus. I noticed this, and then completely failed to follow through on it.

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I think no but ask Chloe


Does this work?

You punctuated your ping?

You don’t?

it’s possible
orange and i are both super busy lately so it isn’t a priority, but i’ll see if i can implement it


Yay. That’s all I ask.

No, I don’t consider pings “words” that are part of the main body of a post (and therefore something that needs to be punctuated). I also don’t always punctuate the ends of posts, though, unless it’s a question mark or exclamation point (though I rarely use the latter).

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I don’t know if I would consider names to be words either, being proper nouns without a meaning of their own, but I’d still punctuate after a name.

Generally I’ll not punctuate the ends of lighthearted or humorous messages. That’s not actually entirely true, I make plenty of jokes with full stops, but they’re of the deadpan variety. Like this:

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