Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

I didn’t get hit by a car but I DID record that L and that’s in my spreadsheet for life

A guy did once yell at me for crossing the street “like an idiot” due to the fact that I was crossing the street like an idiot. People were marginally nicer about the mafia game at least

i will wholeheartedly bully you for violating basic safety

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do not put your feet on the dashboard i will boil you alive

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Do not put your hands on a hot stove, or it won’t just be your hands that are burning.

Usually I am a very safe person! Usually!

You are to be trusted with a :fire:arm

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no that’s more of a reap what you sow kind of thing where i just laugh at you while you suffer from second degree burns

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but by god if you dare not put on your seatbelt and if you have the fucking AUDACITY to put your feet on the dash

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they will never find the body

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You may have 1 OSHA violation. As a treat.


Luckily anything that’s like… a habit is usually unaffected by Episodes for me. I already mindlessly put on my seatbelt so that stays. But anything that requires judgement or decision making for an individual situation… like crossing the street…

they made a song about it
those are great for muscle memory

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Cats do no need retroreflective clothing, their eyes are already retroreflective.

right, left, then right again

See I looked and I saw the cars and then I just walked forward

Similar to how I looked in F3 and saw the scum and voted the other guy anyway

In my defence the walk signals on that intersection are broken which is just a recipe for some kind of disaster but in my offence it is still very clear when there are versus are not actively cars in the intersection

or was it the other way around