Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

well in that case it was probably yours

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I fucking despised the person he was arguing with for ages just off Bad Vibes, didnā€™t even know about any of the actual shit she did (honestly it fucked with me for a while hearing about that, because I tend to be overly jumpy about getting bad vibes off people). Still went and delivered her an apology because his behaviour was just that abysmal. Hell first game. Also our hydra buddy was a mutual friend of ours so I couldnā€™t complain about him in public or in hydra chat at all even after he left

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LOL yea it was me

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The only time I used alts was in Anon games.

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I probably was the most not obvious alt ever.

actually I lied I have an archive alt


I have considered alting, but idk if itā€™d give me anything.

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kat this alt conversation is so cringe oh my lord

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i think i only joined the ToL discord to file a bug report because me and my friends played ToL for fun sometimes (and totally cheated like, half the time we played)

worst decision of my life


I was a Savage no pun intended.

i donā€™t get the purpose of alting

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itā€™s blantantly obvious someone is alting and who they are
look at Alice alts
the vibes man

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I feel like that was someone else if only because I feel like you wouldnā€™t tell me that

Who is @June

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Idk, Iā€™m really glad the two of you stuck around.


im actually cracking up let me make sure i didnt say anything horrible and iā€™ll share


well if Iā€™d outed that Xblade literally told someone to go harass a streamer he didnā€™t like as Arete Iā€™d have been immediately demoted and banned, so thereā€™s that

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I used alts on plenty of forums back in the day and got pretty good at disguising my tone. Iā€™m super rusty but I bet Iā€™d be good at if it I tried in mafia

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