Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

I would actually be baffled if they advanced me, I thought that was my worst game in a while.


ive talked to zero jurors about you specifically

i could probably guess what id hear if i did

id rather get SPICIER leaks like litten being lock-not advanced for being cringe

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am i advancing again


theyre advancing you to the modlog


Obv I’d try to play better in semis, but. Still.

just like last year

Mafia is such a bullshit game I dont know how anyone could purport to select the best players at it. This is why I ignored all my DMs about subbing for champs games

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okay so as a disclaimer I expect that they won’t advance you and you shouldn’t take this message as getting your hopes up, but jury historically has been noticeably biased in favor of Established Players Known To Be Good, such that they can often get away with advancing even if they only played a mediocre game

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Nothing to do with, say, laziness, or any previous mental breakdowns regarding championship-related games, or anything

okay but you do have to play a good-side-of-mediocre game at the least

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day one execution is hard to come back from ngl


The best sub ins are when it’s a mafia slot I have to replace into.

many notable names get stuck in subs due to bad games

Yeah that’s why I expect he won’t be advanced regardless

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okay so context is i (bubblebuddy) randomly pinged kat’s alt and asked if they watch spongebob (kat’s alt is since deleted and i cant see their posts)

we kept chatting about spongebob then kat posted on her main for antispew


its so bad


plopadop was one of the top 10 players of season 9 and nobody will change my mind

What am I looking at.

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Well its posts. Hope this helps

Holy shit I recognize that account