Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

No, but really. I think their posts tend to be quite flavorful, which is the opposite of robotic as I understand it.

I’ve reached a point when I completely understand why, I just don’t know how to fix it at the moment.

I think more people should aspire to sound like robots or aliens or so on

Not enough people tell me I sound like a robot how do I fix this

personally i’m a fan of the “mental asylum escapist” vibe

I’m convinced it’s due to the way that I word things.

I’ve been a forum mafia player for almost five years. In that time I have visited different sites with varying skill levels and have witnessed countless players. I’ve met toxic, bad, fantastic, godlike, mythical, demon-spawn, catgirls, cat boys, aliens, and even satan like forum mafia players. But not once, NOT EVEN ONCE, have I met a player who gave a take AS TERRIBLE as the take you are FORCING ME TO SEE AGAINST MY WILL. I think you are a good player, but my god. What demon possessed you to make this take and think “ah yes, this take is a good take that people will agree with”. It is atrocious, dumbfounding, and sullies your entire effort to this game. Never again let me see this take, please.

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I think at one point one of the trolls said they were gay for the other one

To which the other responded “wtf no”

I caused a rejection with saffron plush im so proud

what have you nearly been banned for

“I think it’s because of the way I word things”

would indeed sound less robotic

Knowing orange he said something that got interpreted as too toxic


should rename the emote to 40buried0found

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he annoyed people, shockingly

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I treasure this post it’s in my collection of favourite posts

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Idt that has anything to do with it being a hydra game, it’s probably due to the same thing that causes toxicity in invitationals and strong playerlists which is high stakes / everyone tryharding

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i was about to make a joke along the line of the month of may ending but i just realized it is almost the end of june not the end of may

i hate time


I really strive to be accurate to what I actually believe and it probably comes off as robotic because of it. I do spend time proofreading my posts and thoughts as town, which obviously helps me when I’m mafia, but which probably doesn’t help with this issue :joy_cat:

I do this because without doing it, I end up spewing a ton of gutreads that I can’t defend later, because my mind has changed and because the read wasn’t as strong in the first place as I might’ve made people think. Basically, I don’t like saying anything without thinking, because I can’t defend it later and I might regret saying something. I don’t want to regret.

This partly applies to how I converse outside of games, too. Even in this thread, to an extent. But not to voice chat conversations. Voice chat Vulgard is not robotic, I’m convinced.


where did u come from anyway

Ehh I feel like hydra games, at least one-account ones, can get a bit worse because you’re not directly tied to your own face. I know I got more toxic in Olivest than I would otherwise :appleallergy:

orange got banned for DMing his friends a link to Untrusted and being like “yo come join the beta” and xblade/tryph banned him for advertising

i had no part in this