Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Except :deciduous_tree: thatā€™s my favourite sauce. Because itā€™s me

ketchup is def up there actualy, I prob gotta put it above honey mustard its been with me for a while

probably a tie for #1 with soy sauce

fuck ranch is really good

My sandwich today had too much pesto on it. Next time I go to this cafe remind me to get the one with balsamic reduction

there is no such thing as too much pesto

I kept forgetting what the difference was and going oh why does my sandwich taste different itā€™s because the one has the. And not the other

Iā€™m telling you. Too much pesto. Itā€™s hard to believe

Itā€™s not super good pesto and it absorbs into the bread weird and mixes with the avocado. Their other ingredients are good. The chicken and mozzarella and tomato. I want to taste them tok

what the fuck is pesto even made out of. like why is it like that.

Itā€™s just basil

Honey mustard I hope itā€™s as good as I imagine its taste right now

Can you guys do that too? Imagine tastes?

With your tongue

Whenever I canā€™t decide what kind of ice cream to get I just visualise them all sequentially until I find a taste Iā€™m in the mood for

My muscles are 2 sore and tense does anybody want to throw hammers at me until I feel better

omgā€¦ from omoriā€¦ i love him

Which part of your body is sore? Usually when I have back pain I massage that area.

Itā€™s surprisingly sensitive

Sorry. He went in the chicken

why did they makje him a condiment

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All of. Well not all of. About half of