Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Saint Basil’s Cathedral. Amen

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My joints are very loose so many of my muscles are very tight to compensate. And when I fix the tightness e.g. by having hammers thrown at me or being at physical therapy it often just leads to me feeling like all of my joints are falling apart because I am not strong enough to hold my self together without said tension

Do not recommend the feeling of your joints falling apart :-1: Unpleasant

That’s a horrifying sensation to imagine

yeah that sucks but atleast you can relate better to the 5th line of mitski’s “brand new city”

What is that. I hate songs so I refuse to look it up


You not me. I would never

i hate when people consume media


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Titanic submarine

I don’t like music I don’t like TV I don’t like movies. All of them go to hell :-1: One thing about me is I won’t watch a show

Okay maybe a little music. But only like three albums

a reference to the hit movie Titanic and the hit album Yellow Submarine… both of which should NOT be consumed. no media allowed

“hey did you see the latest episode of-” shut the fuck up. I stared at my wall for 6 hours and imagined myself in a fantastical land with wizards and goblins where we fought a great evil together.

Did you know Titan is inspired based on a novel written 15 years ago before the actual Titanic collapse and accidentally predicted some parts of the incident?

I started at my screen and tried to figure out Who is the mafia

And whether they are sharking in our court

Titan leaves New York to go to UK (Back then Ireland belonged to UK), midway it crashes into a smaller boat, they speed ahead into a foggy iceberg field and the ship capsizes as they hit an iceberg where it also had a polar bear on it.

Fun times

NO movies though.