Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

Neutral evil.

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The quad state area between NG/CG/TN/CN

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top tier post

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Shes like lawful good

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neutral good

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Wait I don’t think this is right.

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What about Me

What about Me

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neutral gay


What about Me though

evil (but like in the evil :3 way)

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For his neutral special he wields a gay


I think you’re lawful good you would never commit crime

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I am Not lawful good have you seen the advice I give you

In the past I’ve been called either Lawful Evil or Chaotic Good.
Aren’t those exact opposites what?

you’re definitely not chaotic imo

Am I getting :3ed

If I can’t think of it it never happened

Chaotic :3

Did I tell you about the time I crossed a highway on a bike?