Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

My intuition says Never Do Mountainous because it is quantifiably less skill intensive than other options
But at that point if we just optimize for skill intensive then we probably just have our players do research on whatever eevee is currently researching

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And that shit isnā€™t mafia

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tbh I think it would plausibly be good to have champs testing different skills each year

Iā€™m not saying to actually add conversion since thatā€™s a substantial departure from general mafia principles and widely viewed as unfun, but I think having some years be mountainous, some years be lowish power open vanilla setups, some years be closed roleheavy setups, etc. would plausibly be better than the status quo

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although realistically for champs to test for anything you need to figure out how to fix advancement and fuck if I know how to do that :joy_cat:

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yeah this seems impossible lmao

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this seems correct on an initial inspection
what is the current status quo though?

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every year is lowish power open vanilla setups that all Basically Play Out The Same Way except for the years that are mountainous

suggesting that maybe we should ever test mechanical play is met with either ā€œbut we did that in s6 and it was badā€ or ā€œactually mechanical play doesnā€™t matter unless youā€™re bad at the gameā€ (this is an uncharitable paraphrase)

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we live in a world where we do the same
fucking thing
every two seconds
and we somehow expect things to change

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Is there any hope for a change to actually try things in champs or are the perpetual decisionmakers locked in their ivory towers with their fingers in their ears

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the latter is unflattering but based off what Iā€™ve heard of mu mods lmao


well this year they were at least convinced to try ā€˜having literally anyone else help out with champs whatsoeverā€™ but itā€™s unclear whether the new people have ~any power to affect anything

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(Ephemera is a New Person so idk maybe ask them?)

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I probably will but a dm out of nowhere that says ā€œhey, I want to know how the decisionmaking process for champs setup actually works and how much actual power you have to affect thingsā€ is probably uh

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Unlikely to get the desired results

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I will attempt anyway so

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The scum got lunched back to back from memory. Iā€™m pretty sure not a single town got mislunched that game.

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Silviu true neutral

I am secretly an android powered with AI Dungeon AI and then converted to ChatGTP.

I have fooled yƔll

1 year May


You may yes