Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

originally the game only had three hosts
they added katze and I think two additional other people helped out with events

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ah based

check postgame

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is geyde’s name grey when you open a reply chain for anyone else

im draining his power

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I hate green
it’s too green

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fixed thx


i’ll trade

i do not think it was a conscious choice lol

as far as im aware benneh/sunbae were kinda always planned to help with a few specific events, i offered my services pregame and then offered again during n1 because

that makes more sense than them being pulled on during game yeah

ive been kinda teasing the other hosts a bit for the mistakes they made but they did a hell of a lot of good, especially for the small team they had

couple roles that were spicy in ways that i prob wouldnt run again but id rather you swing and kinda miss then just repeat the same general formulas every mash

the good kind of spicy

i think the LW neighborhood kinda missed honestly? but not so badly that its irredeemable, it was clearly pretty experimental and i think if it was refined some itd be a pretty solid mechanic probably? of the things they tried i think it’s the one they were most off the mark on

ghost dayvig wasn’t a big deal, i see it as pretty similar to the town dayvig in BM5 but less powerful (altho i think the false VT flip wawas more unfun for everybody then it was worth)

hotpotato desperado probably a bit overtuned on the numbers but the concept isnt horrible. also probably more unfun than its worth to be fully unflipped

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what is KP budget anyway

update, apparently the two strongman anticlaim kills per night were balanced as being roughly equivalent (combined) to 1 regular factional kill

that’s not how mashes work

well according to the wolfteam it was balanced because town could just not claim


Everyone being a town vig is balanced because wolves could simply not be shot :hmmyes:

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yo @Arctic katze and I were trying to think of cishet neurotypical mafia players on FoL and you were the only one we’ve been able to think of so far but we’re not sure if you count as neurotypical, confirm/deny?

(you don’t have to if you don’t want to)

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