Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

imagine literally not existing



as far as i know i’m neurotypical but i wouldn’t be surprised if i had ADHD


what’d you do

Hello Marl, how are you

oh come on




So true

I was a weak hider and targeted a villager that died n1 so i also died


are you literally me



Damn that’s fast.

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Town claimed all over the place in that game, it was kinda ridiculous. Like 15 villagers cleared themselves by doing something and then claiming it. Had we not had the anticlaim kills, we would’ve lost due to running out of targets.

I probably shouldn’t be talking about this, but it wasn’t great that the wolf who randed the role that was in this neighborhood didn’t end up doing much in the neighborhood. To my knowledge, they didn’t find any of our lost wolves, and they also didn’t feed us a lot of info from there. When played well, that role most likely could obtain lost wolf identities, find the villagers in the neighborhood to kill later, and potentially get claims, but in the hands of the wolf who rolled it in our team, it didn’t end up doing anything.

I wish we had more than one wolf strategist. I feel like there easily could’ve been two roleswappers, considering the sheer number of wolves.

As a member of the wolfteam, that’s stupid. Of course the villagers will claim. But we did need a way to deal with that, because the village had a bazillion of confirmable roles. Most PRs could clear themselves, leaving generally just VTs as the people who couldn’t.

I don’t know about the numbers, but having two factional anticlaim kills that, importantly, weren’t tied to any wolf’s survival, was the really strong part. We could have one wolf alive and they could still be killing three people per night, even if they weren’t a KP role. Of course, they’d eventually run out of targets, but then they’d just be playing against VTs, which is significantly less dangerous.

I have no opinion on either of these roles. They weren’t discussed in wolfchat to a substantial enough extent.

I think it needed to be balanced as 2 permanent KPN rather than as 1

which doesn’t necessarily mean it can’t exist, but would mean the wolves need roughly 1 fewer regular KPN from their other roles (or keep the roles the same and only have one factional anticlaim kill)

Given how many people end up claiming in mashes, yeah.

fwiw any wolf was allowed to view the thread im p sure? i just think only danger could POST in it

but no1 rly used th ethread much so

also iirc the lack of strategist swaps wasn’t an oversight but a planned thing but i dont think i agree with it either so i support your wishes

to be honest i dont think i agree but not willing to die on the hill

i think if you’re giving wolves anticlaim to punish the town for claiming then i think it should be balanced in a sense that it actually punishes town rather than unlocks the full intended wolf KP potential, i guess?

i think in a perfect situation its not balanced as a static amount of KP, but i think i’d balance it somewhere between 1.5 and 2 mafia KP on most nights

It made who we swapped a rather interesting decision, because there were several roles we wanted to swap.

I think if you don’t balance it as 2KPN or close then Mafia will ~predictably win, by virtue of having a consistent extra kill? (to be clear I think that in the game that actually happened Mafia definitely deserved the win). I don’t think this is just ‘giving wolves the KP they should’ve had anyways,’ since (unlike something tied to a role) it never goes away, and iirc it was strongman and unblockable (may be misremembering)