Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

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it was more fun on the discord format
i can’t explain why it just was

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i assume it was jake because his info makes no fucking sense
im still proud of the way i twisted up the game

apparently alch marionette can be told Literally Anything according to magnus so he doesn’t necessarily have to be drunk

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Geeez Kiiruma was really it, like how town was going to find that out?

no clue then
im p sure you and may were both legit and sober
that makes one of atlas / eliza probably?

can you figure it out now that you know?

But I did figure it out, I was evil!

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wait were you actually


In this situation, sadly, no

And I even told Magnus: “Oh wow you sent me into an easy game nice” to lose it

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doubt it bc savant info + social reads

evil was def winning d4

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it was not an easy game when you joined
i just tried my damnedest to make it look that way

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i knew the game was going to be scuffed regardless of crich’s alignment but i knew that it was kind of important someone was in the slot since it was a consensus suspect so i played because they were struggling to find anyone

the cycle continues

  1. join botc game
  2. lose on some bullshit technicality (actually this isn’t really true this time but i’m keeping it here for the bit)
  3. complain about how bad the game is for the next 6 months

the party don’t stop


The minor misspelling on Volxis demon has done it


yeah im pretty proud of my gambit
making the best of a bad situation and all

if you start to think about what must be true for kii to be the demon there you can start to piece it together

theres a few answers that don’t work but one does

the two main things were

  1. i didn’t realize pixie alch could inherit a random minion ability (and even if i did, i had no idea what pixe alch marionette would do)
  2. atlas kept saying he couldn’t be the drunk even though he claimed CL to nuto first which was the point i was trying to make

if we could get atlas being drunk then kiiruma could be found from the drunk neighbouring 1 evil player

but even then that would require us to figure out the bullshit with you being the convert and zone being a minion which i doubt we would have even though the dreamer information was in fact There


That was certainly a mess of the game.

i’m waiting for botf 8462 when i manage to actually solve the game and win and then i will never play a botc game again