Cookie Thread Act 1: A Cookie in Time

fair but idt atlas’s insistence mattered much bc there would be no way to prove him the Drunk and not puzzled
i think jake might as well have been the 2nd droison and it wouldn’tve mattered

Wish granted. You’re automatically mezepheles turned saint and town wins

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cat spy


I am going to spam retrostudio scripts until I get it!

just you wait

this is probably true so now i will go back to not caring and say the game was impossible to solve

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So, how’s in Belgium Jane?

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you had the right social read
our mech bullshit (mostly player agency) just tripped you up

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I was about to fall down some stairs, fortunately I had my hand on the railing.

if jake was the Drunk and atlas was puzzled like he thought all the savant info was still true iirc
that world cuts out the host-end mech bs

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i might feel bad if i get the cookie actually because i’d never use the title i’ve developed stockholm syndrome


can i sell the cookie


Quick no one speaks so Jane can’t get it

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lets just never post in this thread again
leave jane waiting forever


i’ve been foiled

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I got my tissues, geez my nose is stuffed!

The weather here is sunny at least and

No, I’m claiming it with this very post :wowee: