I’m doing what Litten suggested and letting people submit a backup for their action. Still means if, like, you aren’t around at EoD and someone reveals a greencheck on the person you’re set to shoot (since there are no instant actions, they all process at EoD), you’re fucked, but that’s enough of an edge case that it’s like Eh sometimes you get boned by time zones
If yousubmitatarhetonatownthatsskl I s su e
ok but reasonable take
dude i looooove the office so much i forgot how good this shit is oh my god its so funny
i can quote literally every line bro this is like my 8th rewarch
^ Average television watcher
this does tell me that champs would be better if everyone got to make ftc speeches where they tear down their teammates who helped get them there
Champs needs way less positivity ngl.
I’m looking for more “it’s crazy that out of everyone on your homesite, they decided to send you, and even crazier that you somehow made it this far out of what can only be pure luck”
and less “This was such a fun game regardless out outcome I can’t wait to be part of this jury next year”
i’d actually follow like that
louisiana is right there
louisiana is cool in my books, however texas shares a border with arkansas and there is not a single redeeming quality about arkansas imho
louisiana is a good place to visit but i do not know a single person from louisiana who likes louisiana
toxic champs would be based but you do realize that the actual toxic we’ll see is people going full whiny bitch
yeah real but arkansas isnt even a good place to visit
yah i do, people don’t feel like they’re allowed to directly say they don’t like other people so they channel that energy by vaguely yelling at the void and complaning about game. I just think it’d be a lot better if everyone was honest about it. We need like champs confessionals where ppl can say what they really mean
mafia champs reality tv show?
I’d watch
the real housewives of MafiaUniverse
cursed but ideal
i feel like FoL would make a great video essay